Ventilated facade

In construction, facades are usually divided into ventilated and plastered (“wet“). The selection of one or another type of facade depends on the purpose of the building, requirements and available budget. It should be noted that the cost of ventilated facade installation is often higher than the cost of a plastered facade.
The peculiarity of the construction of the ventilated facade is that a gap is left between the wall, facade insulation material and the decoration layer, where the air circulates freely and thus prevents moisture from forming and being absorbed into the insulation material. The galvanised steel or aluminium profile frames are used in ventilated facade systems. The walls breath – the air moving in the gap evaporates moisture faster after rain or under other environmental conditions that can cause moisture.
The table provides the comparison of ventilated and plastered facades.
Ventilated facade
Higher installation cost.
Greater variety of finishing materials.
Possible to install / assemble all year round.
The unchanged appearance remains for a long time.
Easier facade maintenance and repair in case of cracks, fractures or other damage.
Easy to install, no mortar used.
Air gap allows the wall to breathe and protects from the greenhouse effect.
The building remains cooler during the hot season.
Protects against the cold bridges on the outer wall.
Plastered (“wet“) facade
Large selection of colours.
Textured facade plaster provides many decoration options.
It is important to check the mechanical damage and repair it immediately.
It is necessary to renew and paint over time.
The works cannot be performed in low air temperature due to water used in the process.
The cracks, fractures or other damage require more work, time and costs.
The use of low quality materials can cause surface cracks and formation of moss, algae or mould.